Return to Work / Stay at Work
Injured or ill employees
A study of over 33,000 employee cases demonstrated that companies using an integrated EAP for disability management had 31% fewer work accidents days while on disability than a standard, non-integrated program.

EAP Disability Management
Invest EAP offers one of the most comprehensive disability management programs to assist injured and ill workers return to work. Our program began as a special project of Vermont's Vocational Rehabilitation Division. We have assisted injured and ill workers return to work since 1986.
We offer special programs, such as our evidence-based Behavioral Screening and Intervention (BSI) which identifies workers who may be struggling with known risk factors that if unaddressed may prevent their successful return to work.
We have most recently partnered with the Vermont Department of Labor and Dartmouth-Hitchcock on a multi-million dollar return-to-work study. All Vermont employers are eligible to participate in this program at no cost to them. For more information on how we can help, contact Steve Dickens at
Employees & HR
An EAP Disability Managament program can be a great help to HR and employees alike. A serious injury or illness can lead to a dramaitc decline for some individuals. EAP can help: proivding key support and resources to those employees. We can work with HR to conduct both physical and psychological job analyses to determine how to best reintegrate someone back to work. The EAP can coordinate communication with meidcal and mentla health providers.

Attrdige, Mark, 2016. EAP Integration with Disability Case Management, Journal of Employee Assistance, 2nd Quarter 2016