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School and Education:
Advice and Resources

A lot of our youth are struggling right now. Call our 24/7 hotline at 866-660-9533 and ask to speak to an EAP counselor to learn tools to help.

Family Time

Home and Families

Calmly focusing on what we can control brings stability to everyone. See below for resources on food, housing,
their mental health, supporting your kids, how to talk to them about this stage of the pandemic, and more.

Home and Families: Text

Are you safe?

Resources from the Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

Click here for a PDF with essential information and hotline numbers.

What if you or a loved one are QUARANTINED with an abuser? 


Reach out for the help you need.
Law Enforcement is continuing to respond to calls. Hotlines and shelters in Vermont  will remain open. 


People impacted by sexual and domestic violence can still access the support of an advocate during a sexual assault forensic exam, when requesting a relief from abuse order, and for help accessing other crucial resources. 

If it is safe to do so, visit The Vermont Network's website for more information. Contact the Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-228-7395 or the Sexual Violence Hotline at 800-489-7273.


©2023 by Invest EAP/Centers for Wellbeing

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