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Resiliency and Stress Reduction

Resiliency: the ability of an individual to bounce back from trauma or stress
and move forward in life.
It's a skill that everyone can learn, and it's especially important right now.


Self-Guided Toolkits

Science and research have shown us the life-changing benefits of mindfulness and  meditation.

Are you new to these practices or want to expand your resiliency with some straightforward resources?

Managing Your Immediate Distress

Your response is normal; remember your resources in the moment (helpful article here) and reach out to someone to talk. We need other people more than ever. 


Call us at 866-660-9533 or request a callback online

Employees and Loved Ones in Recovery

There are thousands of Vermonters workers that are currently in long-term recovery or continuing to improve their mental health.

You are not alone

Safe, judgment-free support and resources

Many of us are experiencing prolonged stress, anxiety, and other consuming emotions as we manage a variety of fears. However, research shows that when we shift our focus to what we can control and reach out for support, we see meaningful and lasting differences in our health and wellbeing.

Want a quick, one-page checklist to help you become grounded in the moment? Choose just one or two of these strategies and try one right now.

Other people feel the way that you do— and we're helping them.
You don’t have to face this alone. Check out the resources and toolkits below, and contact us today to find a time to talk.


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©2023 by Invest EAP/Centers for Wellbeing

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